Friday, September 24, 2010

Emma's newest playground

So Eddie got the key from the lady who owns the house and started cleaning the backyard today. He was mostly picking up stuff to throw away: plant buckets, plywood, random metal. He actually said he was kinda glad they left some stuff because he likes cleaning clutter; it makes him feel accomplished.

Emma literally ran around the backyard sniffing at the seller's dogs' scents, jumping into planters, running along fences, checking out the pool (but she's scared of water and won't go in).

I went around watering all the plants and saking the ground because tomorrow we're doing some weeding. I find this out at dinner. Eddie didn't tell me any of the plans. It was a little annoying, kind of underscoring. How I felt he doesn't tell me stuff about the house until after the fact. Then again I guess he kinda does that for other stuff too like his dad's birthday dinner plans. :-P

In any case we're going to the house tomorrow morning to work on the back yard. It's kind of a bad weekend to work outside as it's supposed to be 95+!! And he doesn't plan on being there until about 8. I think we should go earlier so we can get more done. And then we have to go to his nephews' sccer game at 10:30. BUT we don't have any time to stop at JC Penny's to buy a cooking set. Blah. Sorry still a little annoyed about that.

Anyway, hopefully the ground is soggy enough to pull out all the weeds. Eddie's mom is also coming to prune the roses and such.

We turned on the lights in the yard and it looked so pretty! And the pool light changes colors! I should have taken pictures.

There's a Rubbermaid shed in the back that has broken doors. Eddie looked online to find replacement doors, but couldn't really find any. I suggested making wooden doors. We'll look into that.

I also walked around and opened all the windows. The window in the pink bedroom is a little difficult to open and I could not figure out how to turn on the light. Eddie couldn't figure out the light switch for the livingroom.

Trash day is Tuesday, so whatever green trash we have we'll put in the bins. And if we run out of room, we discovered a dumpster behind the Stater Bros. across the street.

The next time Eddie talks to the seller, he needs to ask which housing association we belong to and if the sprinklers in the back work. Not to mention the sprinklers in the front.

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