Monday, September 27, 2010

While the cat's away in Fullerton,...

the Eddie stays busy in the IE...

Lots of papers for Eddie to sign...but still not quite done...

Eddie went to the escrow office in Upland after school today to sign papers, unfortunately we still have to bring the cashier's check to the office.  He did get some paperwork from the housing association I've been bugging him to find out about.  Apparently there are two different club houses and we belong to both ANNNND we have access to the lake...wherever that is...

After going to the escrow office, Eddie met with the sellers to learn how to work the sprinklers (which are all working yay!), the pool light (which should not be stopped on a colored light, but on clear), the fountains of water over the pool (which are operated by something about the pump and valves), and some tips about the house... (ie the hallway bathroom needs a new toilet, the paint was bought at Home Depot, the decorating was done by an interior designer!).  The sprinklers are manually controlled; they used to be on automatic timers, but when the pool was put in, the backhoe damaged the wiring.  He said that the neighbors to the right are cool, and he didn't know much about the neighbors on the corner with kids.  I would like to have some sort of party with all the neighbors over after we move in.  The seller even said something about a white dishwasher at their new house that we could have (to match the white stove, microwave, and soon to be refrigerator).

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