Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another catch up

Friday night we had a little date night to Lowes where we checked out some carpet.

Saturday morning I went to the house to wait for the refrigerator repair man to repair our refrigerator, unfortunately they sent out a set up technician and not someone who could actually work on the refrigerator, so I had to get that rescheduled.  I mopped the walls for the brown paint and touched up some cabinets before going to my hs reunion (10 years!)

Sunday Mum, Dad, and Andrew came to the house to help paint.  We knocked out the rolling of the brown (Dad did at least), Mum and I started some trim.  Andrew rolled the doors and swept the pool.  Everyone was suitably impressed by my water fountains over the pool.  Eddie has taken  to calling them my show stoppers.  :)

On Monday, Eddie's Grandpa Mario, Grandma Esther, and Dru came over to finish all the painting.  Dru rolled the closets.  Grandpa Mario did touch ups in all the rooms and cutting of the brown.  Grandma Esther, Dru and I did baseboards.  The carpet guy came to measure and said that all the facts and figures would be in by this evening.  The refrigerator repairman came, fixed the refrigerator (woot), and chatted for a bit.

Jeff and his mom Pam came to check the house out.  Eddie's eliciting Pam's decorating advice.  I want to elicit Jeff's crazy bargaining skills!  Pam also offered to come over and weed on her off days, an offer I am more than willing to take her up on.

Today was a non house day.  Tomorrow starts with a trip to the dealership and then cleaning: dusting the fans, scrubbing the bathroom, sweeping/mopping the floors.  Minor painting: white touch up the cabinets, brown on the trim in the door jambs, spackle then paint the new wooden piece to the linen cabinet, MAYBE some ceiling paint if it's not too high up...  Then furniture shopping with Eduardo.

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