Thursday, October 14, 2010

DIY of the Day (Yesterday)

Went yesterday to Lowe's (my new favorite store!...) to find caulk and a gun to caulk the baseboards and walls.  One girl came to help me choose the right caulk and a gun to use.  After she left, I found myself trying to figure out how to load the gun.  Luckily two other guys happened by and I was able to ask them.  I felt really silly not knowing how to load the gun...but then neither did one of the I felt a little better.  My caulk lines were pretty straight and looked clean, it wasn't until I smoothed the caulk with my finger that it got onto the wall, and then stuck in funny patterns because of the surface of the wall.  I learned that if I didn't release the tension, caulk would continue to shoot out of the gun with reckless abandon for any floor surface nearby!  I also learned that I didn't have to pull on the trigger the whole time, but could pull the trigger, move the gun, and then release the trigger and tension and continue moving the gun until it stopped which would make it a little (lot) cleaner. 

Tools of the day

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