Sunday, October 3, 2010


I am so unbelievably tired!  Probably because I was up by 5:45 to be ready for 6:30 Mass.

In any case, another busy, productive day.  Another trip to Lowes (two actually).

We started the day off with a trip to the MoVal Lowes to pick up the brown paint (Chocolate Chunk...a special Valspar match to the Dunn Edwards color...) and another toilet valve.  We headed to Eddie's parents house for the weed wacker and lawn mower.  Then we headed to get started working at the house.

I finished off whatever contact papering I could do.  Actually I ran out of contact paper so then I started painting the frames of the lower cabinets.  Eddie found some white spray paint and tried it on a door.  He liked what he saw, so we decided to hit up Lowes on our lunch break.  While I contact papered and painted, Eddie worked in the yard, mowing the lawn, fixing the sprinklers, trimming back a tree, falling of the ladder...all that good stuff.

Our Subway lunch finished, we hit up Lowes yet again this time for a sample sized Swiss Coffee for the top cabinets.  Eddie was pulling for a pure white, but I wasn't too keen on the idea, I think from something I had read somewhere or other.  In any case, we decided on the Swiss Coffee because it was light enough for him, but not pure white for me. 

I think our visions are different...  I'm channeling "Old World" ...

I think he's channeling something more...contemporary?

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