Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Study Design...

So... not sure what kind of room the gray room will be.  If Eddie's using the green room as a bedroom, I think we should have a study of sorts in the gray room.  I'd like to keep all my arts/crafts/etc stuff in that room, have a space to work, and maybe a space to relax (i.e. a few comfy chairs in a corner). 

The only space that I'm envisioning at this moment is the corner by the window...what you see from the doorway across the room.  This is where I would like to have the chandelier decals.  Originally I was thinking that they would hang above a bed...however if we're not buying a bed for this room, I could see it hanging over a couple of chairs and small side table to act as a reading corner.

Now if I had a reading corner, would I need bookcases?  I would like to avoid the thousands and thousands of towering bookcases that we have in the Moreno Valley house, but I would like to experiment with dressing up some bookshelves... 

I also don't know what to put along the wall since the door is situated on the left side of the room, almost in line with the wall...  I'm worried if we put things there, the view and the room may seem blocked or cut off or hindered in some way.

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