Sunday, October 10, 2010

Catching up...

Wow, so I guess I've fallen behind a smidge with the daily updates with the house...  to recap last week:

Eddie's Grandpa Mario worked his sprinkler magic and fixed our valves in the back yard.  Now all the sprinklers work, yay! 

Look how beautiful the sprinkler valves are!

In the same vein, and on one of our many trips to Lowes, Eddie bought new sprinkler heads to shoot water in the appropriate directions for the raised beds in the back.  He also fiddled around until he got the right water flow for various sprinklers in the front and back.

While Grandpa Mario fixed sprinklers, Grandma Esther was a weeding machine!  She cleared out the grass/weeds from around the palm tree and in one of the beds! 

I started prepping the walls to be painted with this super cool putty stuff!  It starts out pink, but then turns white to let you know when it's dry and able to be painted on.  :)  I'm super impressed!

After watching my painful attempts at painting the cabinets, Grandpa Mario informed me that I was using the wrong kind of brush, so the next time I saw him, he had bought us a "good" brush.  :)

I've still been working on the cabinet doors, painting brown and white doors.  Even with my labelling system, I mispainted a door, so we had to sand it down and start over least it was only one door.  We finished the brown doors and Eddie's dad reinstalled them for me (the first time upside down...which neither he nor I caught).  I have two doors that need a couple more coats of white, and one long door that needs both sides painted, but other than that, I  have all the other white doors ready to put their hardware back on and reinstall them.

With the weather being kind of funky, I took a break about halfway during the week and headed to Fullerton.

When I returned this weekend, we did some painting!  These are the 3 color choices for the bedrooms:

for the master bedroom; I'm envisioning
blue, brown/black, white...

For "Alex's Room," formerly the pink room;
chosen by Alex, channeling UFC gray...
I'm thinking some combination with
yellow and maybe purple?...:

A popping, energetic green for the green room;
makes me think of islands...

The previously green room


The previously pink room

Dru and Eddie's mom painting

Doing the detailed painting

Roller King

And finally, we've gotten to estimates about a custom closet in the master bedroom... one guy quoted $1895, the other lady quoted $1531, but the first guy said he'd beat competitor's prices and Eddie likes the hanging bar more in the first guy's closets...I like the price of the second lady.  I guess we'll see what happens, as we're meeting with the first guy again tomorrow.  In the mean time, we're also prepping the closet for any work to be done.

Tomorrow I'm picking up the mail key, waiting for the refrigerator to be delivered, finishing the white cabinet doors, putting the electrical socket plates back on, taping the master bedroom, double checking the spackle, and maybe taping the hall, entry, living rooms...

Ack.  I want the kitchen cabinets DONE like yesterday!

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