Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kitchen Cabinets Day 2

So today we got the cabinets cleaned and sanded. 

-Side bar- Our day started off with a bargain buy!  Just before driving to the new house, we passed a garage sale and a big piece caught Eddie's eye.  It was a little bar.  So Eddie practiced his (illegal U turns and parking) bargaining skills for a bar which the owner assured was just like the bars in Vegas (?).  We loaded it into the back of the Jeep and I had to hop in the back seat to hold onto the bar because it stuck out!

We also made a side trip to Tennessee Gardens, but that's a whole other blog.  ;)

So back to the cleaning of the cabinets.  Oh ew, I had to clean out what had to some mouse's vacation filters, tea bags, and a pot holder.  Ugh.  I knew as soon as I saw the shredded paper there had been some Mickey living there at some point.  I could also tell which cupboards were used for the previous owner's baking...powdered sugar, frosting, etc.  Also, there seemed to be a lot of melted chocolate everywhere!  It wasn't even centrally located, just random drawers and shelves had melted chocolate.  After Pine Soling everything, I got some of the cupboards contact papered...what I learned:
  1. Work with smaller pieces
  2. Measurements are important
  3. Contact paper can be pulled up
While I was working on the cupboards, Eddie and Dru cleaned out the shed and took away the bottom of the fountain.  They hauled all the stuff to the dump in Rialto.  All 400 (!!) lbs of stuff cost $15 to dispose of.  Their return trip was also adventurous with them running out of gas!  They had to push the truck to the side of the road, while Eddie jogged(!) to get some gas, and with that they finally returned.  And poor Dru was sent off without even a lunch! 

Lowes = Danger Will Robinson! 

We spent probably an hour plus at Lowes today!  Surprisingly we only picked up a toilet valve, a paint roller, sponges for the roller, and the paint.  We ended up still picking a with less black.  We tested it on the unpainted wood usually covered by the refrigerator.  We'll do the painting tomorrow.  While at Lowes we also looked at some cabinets...which the guy said we should not order unfinished, but rather choose the style and stain we liked and to order it ... more for a remodel than for just working on the doors.  We also looked at some tile for our bathroom and browsed in general.

I'm going to show Eddie a white and brown cabinet mix...I'll save the pix and post them later.

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